Clear Lens Exchange in Las Vegas

Clear Lens Exchange in Las Vegas*

Clear Lens Exchange is also called

We offer vision correction off-label with the new accomodating and vision correcting presbyopia implants.  The procedure is done at Red Rock Surgery Center and only takes 10 minutes!   It requires no needles, no stitches or patches.   Find out about our Refractive Lens Exchange Package.

The Restor® and Tecnis lens implants are remarkable advances in corrective eye surgery. The lens is approved for vision correction after cataract surgery. The technology can be applied off label in a procedure called Refractive Lens Exchange or Clear Lens Exchange. The technology enables virtually any patient that can see with glasses or contacts to see without them.

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    Expert Vision Correction Surgery in Las Vegas
    The Clear Lens Exchange procedure is quite safe and effective with over of the patients with implants in both eyes never wearing glasses again! The other  do well also with a marked reduction in the need for glasses or contact lenses. Until recently, cataracts patients who underwent surgery, required near reading bifocal glasses.
    The newest additions to the implant world are implants to correct for intermediate vision and those to correct astigmatism.  Some are not approved in the USA.
    At the Southwest Eye Institute, we now offer all our patients with cataracts or those with significant visual impairment the possibility to improve their vision with this new technology. With this technology, you will never develop a cataract! How does it work? During our daily activities (reading, watching television, computer work, driving) our focus constantly changes at different distances. The ability of your lens to focus at different distances is called accommodation. As we get older, everyone’s lens progressively loses the ability to focus at near. This begins to occur at age 40 in the majority of people. The lens exchange procedure was designed to improve both near and far vision. The lens has a built in mechanism simulating a tri-focal lens allowing uncorrected vision near and far! Is cataract surgery or clear lens exchange the only option? The surgery is indicated when the patient is not happy with the best corrected visual acuity obtained with eyeglasses or with the constant need for eyeglasses.  It is impossible to determine without a complete exam if this is the best option for you. It is necessary that our doctors discuss with you all the different options available before deciding on the best option for your personal best vision.
    Is clear lens exchange surgery painful?

    The Clear lens exchange surgery is a routine surgical procedure performed with topical anesthesia (numbing drops) and sedation (valium or liquid valium). Patients do not generally report pain during or after the procedure.

    Will I be asleep during the surgery?

    The surgery generally lasts less than 10 minutes. It is not necessary to perform lens replacement surgery with general anesthesia.  If you are extremely anxious the procedure can be done with you asleep. With modern anesthesia the patient is not exposed to the same risks associated with general anesthesia in years past.

    Who will perform the surgery?

    An experienced board certified eye surgeon will perform the surgery. The surgical team consists of the surgeon, surgical nurses, technicians, and an anesthesiologist or anesthetist if desired.

    Are both eyes operated at the same time?
    Although both eyes can be operated at the same, we do not do this for safety reasons. Safety is our number one concern. We recommend operating the eyes on different days. How long will I be hospitalized?  Lens replacement surgery is an outpatient procedure which does not require hospitalization. You will be at the Center approximately 2 hours.
    When will I see again?
    Every patient and eye is different, but the vision is usually sufficient to watch television or read on the day of surgery. The patient will be able to drive or return to work the following day.
    Will I need to wear glasses after surgery?
    It is highly unlikely. The vast majority of patients operated with advanced lifestyle lenses do not require glasses.
    Can a cataract form after clear lens exchange procedure?
    Once the lens has been removed, it will not grow again. Some patients will notice months or years later a gradual reduction in vision. This is due to clouding of the membrane that is left behind to hold the implant in place. This is corrected in a matter of minutes with the use of a YAG laser to open a window in the membrane. Although this is sometimes called a secondary cataract, it really is just a clouding of the capsule of the lens.
    Are there any adverse effects?
    Some patients complain of halos or glares during a few weeks after surgery which may affect night time driving. We don’t have patients complaining of this long term. In the unlikely event you do have significant problems, the lens CAN be removed.  This is a very unlikely possibility.
    What precautions must I have after surgery?
    You must follow the doctor recommendations after surgery. There are no physical restrictions after surgery.  You may bend, lift, strain.   You must not rub your eyes or go in a pool or hot tub for at least a week after surgery.  You must avoid trauma to the eye.


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      Is clear lens replacement covered by my insurance or Obamacare?
      If you have a visually significant clouding of your natural lens with trouble with your daily activities (reading fine print with your glasses, driving in the bright sun or at night, disabling glare, halos etc.) your insurance may offer partial coverage.  Very rarely insurance companies cover elective or cosmetic surgery.  Your flex plan may often be used for vision correction surgery (so you can pay with pre tax dollars).
      What is the cost for Clear Lens Exchange Surgery?
      The fees vary depending your your unique needs, the implant chosen, the vision correction plan.  We find some patients just need correction of their astigmatism and this can be done for as little as $1200 per eye.   PRK or LASIK can be done in the office and are as little as $1500/eye with occasional promotions that are even less expensive.  The clear lens exchange procedure is done in the surgery center with trained staff to optimize the sterility, cleanliness and minimize the risks and this is the most expensive option.  For monovision, the fees can be as little as $2500/eye but the most common procedure is the implantation of the multifocal or accomodative lenses which increase the price to $5000-5500/eye.  This often includes pre operative testing, surgery, anesthesia, facility fees, surgeon fees and 3-6 months of care after surgery and any laser vision adjustment (if necessary) after surgery.
      If you have a budget, let us know.  We often can find a solution that fits your budget.

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        *Clear Lens Exchange is considered off-label in the USA.   Please do not read further if you do not understand the meaning or significance of this.