Value Based Eye Care
There has been a steady trend toward value based care. So exactly what is value based care? The model is preventative rather with an emphasis on shifting from costly disease based care to preventative care to improve the health status of managed populations one individual at a time.
In eye care, an example is working cooperatively with the patient’s primary care provider to screen for diabetic eye damage in early changes where intervention (blood sugar control) can be implemented.
Other components of Value-Based Care is shifting from a fee for service model where incentives are tilted toward provision of services to a system where other solutions are explored and often implemented successfully (a change in glasses). When simple measures are no longer viable to allow for continued normal function, then surgical care can be considered.
We have developed a diabetic management program whereby we communicate the status of the eyes to the patient’s primary care doctor immediately after the patient has been examined via secure facsimile communication.