Cataract Surgery Indications
Many patients are confused about the indications for surgery especially elective surgery like Cataract Surgery. National guidelines are established by organizations, insurance carriers and others. Cataract surgery is indicated when it is considered medically necessary or medically reasonable. These criteria are somewhat flexible based on the individual patient needs. Naturally an airline pilot or cab or limousine driver needs better vision than a sedentary person. In all cases the indications should be matched to the patient and generally if the visual acuity is 20/50 or worse and the patient has functional complaints (trouble reading, seeing to drive in the sunshine or night glare, threading a needle, etc.) surgery is generally indicated if the prospect for improved vision outweighs the potential risk.
If the best corrected vision (with current glasses or contact lenses) is 20/40 or better, the patient should have significant functional complaints and be able to verbalize these complaints.
So in summary, when the lens is sufficiently cloudy that it is the cause for functional impairment, it is time to consider cataract surgery.
If you would like an expert to help you in this decision or need a second opinion, just call 702-362-3900, ask for Dr. Malitz. Dr. Malitz specializes in cataract surgery.