A mature cataract is a very advanced cataract whereby the physician cannot see from the front surface of the lens to the back surface and cannot see to the back of the eye with standard equipment. Often a B Scan Ultrasound is required to image the back of the eye. When the cataract gets extremely advanced, standard paramaters and techniques are often ineffective to remove the cataract. In extreme circumstances a large incision is required to remove the cataract. With that said, almost always we can modify our techniques with Trypan Blue staining of the capsule to enhance visualization for the initial steps and increased energy paramaters for ultrasonic fragmentation of the dense lens.

Often white cataracts are soft and readily removed with modern techniques. If you have a cataract, it is imperative you seek a skilled surgeon for your surgery to maximize the chance of an excellent outcome. Even in the best of hands, complications are possible but with experience the chance of a complication is minimized.