Dry Eye Experts

Dry Eye Experts in Las Vegas


dry eyes
Dr. Malitz is an Expert in Dry Eye Management

Chances are you found this page by searching for a solution to your dry, itchy, burning, red, irritated, blurred eyes.   We can help!


Our preferred technique is punctal occlusion.   The procedure is simple, covered by most insurance plans when medically necessary and done in 40 seconds right in the office and generally lasts 3-6 months!

The procedure takes advantage of a simple concept, if the drain is plugged up, the tears will stay on the eye longer and your NATURAL tears will bath and lubricate and refresh your eyes.

Sure we can prescribe expensive medications that burn and can even result in dyscusia (look it up)!  These medications have to be instilled multiple times a day.  You are likely to have copays deductibles and pharmacy visits.

If you want a simple and more natural solution, make an appointment and we can discuss your options
