Presbyopia Correction In Las Vegas


Presbyopia is a common condition that affects people as they age. It is a progressive condition that makes
it difficult to focus on objects up close.
Book an eye exam today
Symptoms of presbyopia
1 Blurred vision
Objects up close appear blurry, making tasks
such as reading difficult.
2 Eyestrain
Eyes may feel tired or strained after reading
a book or doing detailed work.
3 Headaches
Straining to see objects up close can cause
4 Squinting
Trying to see small print or objects up close
may cause someone to squint.
Causes of presbyopia
Natural aging
As people age, the lenses of
their eyes become less flexible,
making it harder to focus.
Family history
Presbyopia tends to run in
families, so there may be a
genetic component.
Exposure to certain chemicals
or radiation may increase the
risk of developing presbyopia.
Diagnosis ofPresbyopia
Presbyopia is often diagnosed during a routine eye exam. An eye doctor will
conduct an eye chart test, evaluate the patient’s symptoms, and check for
any underlying eye conditions.
TreatmentOptions for Presbyopia
Non-prescription or prescription reading glasses
can help correct vision problems related to
presbyopia. If you wear distance glasses,
bifocals or trifocals will often be necessary.
Specialized contact lenses can help correct
presbyopia, including bifocal or multifocal
Refractive surgery
Surgical procedures such as LASIK and
PreLex/CLex (Clear Lens Exchange) (off-label)
can also help correct presbyopia.
Prevention Tips for Presbyopia
Eat a healthy diet
Eating a diet rich in vitamins
and minerals may help promote
healthy eyes and prevent
Exercise regularly
Regular physical activity can
help maintain overall health
and promote healthy vision.
Take frequent breaks
Looking at a computer or
digital screen for long periods
causes eyestrain, so taking
breaks can help reduce this
Living with Presbyopia
Seekprofessional help
Consult with an eye doctor to determine the
the best course of treatment for your presbyopia.
Stay informed
Stay up-to-date on the latest research on
presbyopia and vision health.
Adapt your surroundings
Make changes to your environment to help
reduce eyestrain, such as increasing font sizes
on your computer.
Regular checkups
Continue to have regular eye exams to monitor
the progression of presbyopia and identify any
underlying conditions.
When to See a Doctor AboutPresbyopia
If you experience symptoms of presbyopia, such as blurred vision or headaches, or have difficulty focusing
on objects up close, you should book an appointment with an eye doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment
can help manage the condition and minimize its impact on your quality of life. Just call 866-295-2020 for a
free exam! Offices in the Midwest and West.
Schedule an appointment today