
Glaucoma is underdiagnosed and leads to silent loss of vision and even blindness

Half of those with glaucoma are unaware that they have the disease.

Visual Field demonstrates classic pattern of vision loss with glaucoma.


The silent thief of sight

If you have a family history, elevated pressure, diabetes, or are over 60 you have a chance of having glaucoma. Half of those with glaucoma are unaware that they have the disease. Of these 1/2 were seen by an eye doctor in the past 5 years and the diagnosis was missed. We have among the most sophisticated technology for the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma in the world. Come in for a free screening or set up a comprehensive exam 702-362-3900. We have innovative diagnostic and treament methods with hundreds of thousands of dollars of specialized equipment to better care for our patients. Click here for an excellent resource and to learn more.

Narrow Angle Glaucoma

Laser Surgery cures this form of glaucoma


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