Narrow Angle Glaucoma in Las Vegas

Narrow Angle glaucoma accounts for about 10{60df113cd5a1cd00914727638812fb5300a840b86aa020a6e915251c64286fee} of all cases of Glaucoma in the US.  With increased age the incidence is increasing.  Angle closure glaucoma can lead to devastating complications with the incidence of blindness three times the incidence in open angle glaucoma.

With a detailed examination and gonioscopy by a competent doctor, the condition is preventable in virtually all cases.

It is imperative that all persons are screened for narrow angle glaucoma especially farsighted, elderly, those with a family history and Asians.

The symptoms are pain and blurred vision.   Sometimes the pressure elevation can result in nausea or vomiting.  It can look like you are looking through a shower curtain.

If you have any of these symptoms, seek attention immediately.  Vision loss can be swift and severe.