Watch a real patient experience on LASIK. *
hi guys welcome to part 2 of my LASIK
experience so in my first video the
consultation and surgery I kind of left
you hanging of what it was like to wake
up the morning after surgery after LASIK
and I’m going to keep leaving you
hanging about what my site was actually
like so when I woke up my eyes were
still pretty swollen they didn’t really
hurt but it was hard to keep my eyes
wide open for the first day and what you
immediately need to do when you wake up
is start your drops so my doctor gave me
a chart of all the different drops I’d
be taking and the different times I
retaking it it’s a little bit extensive
as you can see I definitely used it
though it was very helpful and I would
say if your doctor doesn’t give you one
you should definitely make one for
yourself so I had four different drops I
need to take an antibiotic one a steroid
one which looked just like this and
preservative-free vials which are like
these and then just like a gel one so
the first two are what I would say are
the hardest ones to do because the
antibiotic and the short road are very
thick drops and so if you put them in
the corner of your eye like no matter
how much you’ve moved your head to the
side you can’t really get it to move
into your eye so it’s very important so
if you’re not very good at putting in
eyedrops like I was to have somebody
help you so I was very grateful that my
day after surgery was a Sunday I know
that a lot of things online and a lot of
doctors do say you can go to work
immediately after LASIK the day after I
am very grateful that I had the day off
because like I said it was very hard for
me to put in my first two drops by
myself and you have to wait a good
amount of time a minute to five minutes
is what they recommend between each
drops during your first week to make
sure that you’re not just washing the
first drop away with the next one and
like my schedule says for my drops to me
three I was putting those in eight times
a day for that day and so you really are
spending a lot of time than at your work
like in the bathroom or even at your
desk putting in these drops and just
sitting there waiting to make sure that
your eyes are actually
orbing them and for me like I said in my
first video I kind of just had like an
adverse reaction to the meds that I was
taking and I fainted so I was still
feeling a little weird so my
recommendation is if you can have the
surgery on a Friday Saturday or if you
can just take the day after work off I
would really recommend that but it isn’t
totally necessary I do feel like I would
have made it through my day at work just
fine I just want to been as productive
but I did feel okay mi did feel okay
besides the fact that they were a little
bit swollen with the drop so I did not
experience any type of stinging or
discomfort when it’s done in my eyes
actually they made my I feel better my
eyes didn’t feel very dry at all like I
was expecting afterwards and I think
that was because I was just putting in
drops so often that there really wasn’t
that much time for them to get dry but
the first day was when the drops were
did go in the most eight times a day and
then it slowly kind of goes down so the
second two days um I would put in the
first shot four times a day and the
second two six times a day and then a
sporran side went down to four times a
day for all of them except for the last
ones I did feel like these ones were
very good to practice with if you’re not
good at putting in drops because there’s
more in the vials than you really need
so if you’re kind of getting them all
over the place it doesn’t matter and
these are the ones that you will
continue using for months so a few
precautions that I would recommend that
you take are number one is to wear your
fantastic fashionable goggles at night
and any time you sleep like they
recommend for me I like to like bury my
face in the pillow and these definitely
helped to stop me from rubbing my eyes
in the middle of the night sometimes I
would wake up and my eyelids would it
wouldn’t be my eyes so to be in my
eyelids that were a little bit scratchy
and it would remind me that I couldn’t
just scratch them they did recommend
that you wear these in the shower and I
tried the first time I showered and it
was impossible because there are like
little gaps in this little foam stuff so
the water would get in there and then
you’d be sitting there with water like
piling up under your eyes and it just
didn’t seem to help so what I did was
just close my eyes in the shower as much
as I could I kind of
I head out I did not face the shower and
did not put my face directly in the
stream of the shower for the whole first
week also you’re an I rubber like I was
you really really have to be careful to
not rub your eyes when you wake up in
the morning for me this is especially
difficult because when you’re putting in
all these eyedrops especially the first
two it does kind of cake around your eye
and on your eyelashes which is very
difficult because they’re all sticking
together and you just want to just like
scrub them what I did was I would take a
soft paper towel and I would wet it and
kind of fold it into corners and just go
under my eye and then maybe lightly rub
my eyelashes I did not do this during
the first week but when it got to like
day six and seven that’s when I started
to rub my eyelashes a little bit but in
the first week I just left them alone
and let it kind of kick up and it was
fine so my actual sight when I woke up
that first day after having the surgery
done I could definitely tell the
difference in my eyes but for me I was
still a little bit skeptical of whether
I actually thought that it was worth it
for what my eye side was because I
didn’t have terrible eyesight like I
said I would go without wearing glasses
or contacts and I would just kind of
live with the blurriness and so I wasn’t
sure if it was worth it to me to get
this done
but I will say I quickly decided that it
was so when I woke up it kind of felt
like when you get brand new glasses and
you’re kind of almost feel like the
prescription might be a little bit too
I was definitely walking around like I’m
the wide open Colossus happening like
this is so clear it was very a little
bit disorienting almost the two major
things that I noticed with my sight were
for me colors were a lot more vivid
which is not something that I was
expecting at all the colors were
definitely richer and brighter than they
were before which was very cool to see
because again I just wasn’t expecting
that I also noticed how bad my depth
perception was I think when you’re
someone like me who doesn’t maybe wear
your glasses as much as you should you
know from a practical sense like how far
away something is you can tell like well
logically this is closer than that is
but I never actually saw it the way that
I see it now like it’s so cool to see
how like d everything is and to
actually be able to tell like the
distance between something and I would
always wear my glasses when I was
driving so I I still don’t know the
difference now except for the fact that
I don’t have to wear glasses but for me
being able to look at something and see
actually see how far away it is is
really cool I will say that my vision
did vary for the first two week I would
say sometimes I would put in drops in my
eyes would be crystal clear and then two
hours later output drops and have two
hours of like not so clear vision this
is really normal as your eyes are
healing and the different parts are
healing but so don’t let that for you
out but my vision did vary for the first
week my eyes are also extremely
sensitive to the light for the first
week especially the first three days the
first day that I went back to work on
Monday I had such a terrible headache
that I kind of just wanted to cry like I
almost regretted getting it done but
obviously it was just one day of a
headache and then the rest were a lot
better but I did wear sunglasses inside
for work like that first day that I was
there like looking at the computer
screen and really hurt my eyes right now
this is three weeks after and I’m fine I
do still wear my sunglasses when I Drive
and when I go outside because that is
what they recommend for that lease the
first month but I can go outside and not
be like paralyzed by the light I was
concerned about seeing halos before I
got the operation done and I do slightly
see them so halos are when you have a
feel life and there’s like that kind of
fading halo around it
for me I don’t notice it when I see a
light and it’s like light outside so if
I were to see like a head light during
the day I don’t notice it but if I’m in
like a dimmed room and there’s like a
light bulb hanging I do see a halo
around it and at nights I do and I do
see halos around
like I haven’t driven that night yet
because it’s summer and it doesn’t get
dark until like at night so I
haven’t had that experience but to me it
doesn’t seem like my halos are horrible
they seem like they are something that I
can live with and hopefully they do go
away but right now I am seeing them so I
did have a one day after fall pointment
except for for me it was two days after
because they weren’t open on Sunday so I
went in and I did that the eye chart
exam and they did tell me that I was
seeing which is better than / I
don’t necessarily know if I believe this
because when I was doing my eye chart I
did get a letter wrong and they did have
me just like guess again but I mean I’ll
take it the one thing that I did not
like about my experience at LASIK plus
was the reason why I actually ended up
going there I did see a bunch of reviews
on and they were all very positive and I
soon found out that this is because that
they basically forced you to rate them
on Facebook or online before you can
leave so in my post-op appointment I was
sitting there after everything was done
and she told me like oh do you have
facebook can you rate us and I told her
I didn’t really want to rate them at
this time because I hadn’t told my
family that I got LASIK and this video
is kind of was telling them but I just
didn’t want to announce it on Facebook
and she basically would not leave my
room until I raided them which I did not
like but I’m in marketing so I kind of
understand why they do that but
personally I just really don’t like that
hard sales experience so that was kind
of my first week of recovery now three
weeks after I will say that I only do I
drop in the morning I do the
preservative-free ones and I do the gel
ones in the morning and at night and
then during the day as needed I will do
the preservative-free ones for me and
that’s usually only one time a day I
feel very lucky and that I have not
experienced any dry eye symptoms except
in the morning I will wake up and it
will kind of feel like I maybe have like
an eyelash in my eye and that’s that’s
kind of being comfortable dryness that I
feel and I just put in my drops when I
wake up anyway and then I’m
I’m at this point in the shower I do put
my face in the stream of water to get my
makeup off and I slightly rub my eyelids
I still try not to remind in the day and
I don’t sleep with the goggles on
and I am back to wearing as much makeup
as I want to wear overall I really
really wanted to form an honest opinion
on whether I think LASIK is worth it
worth taking the risk and worth the
amount of money and for me I do feel
like it was worth it I do think you do
have to consider the risks if you’re
willing to take on dry eye to see halos
there really isn’t a huge risk of stuff
going really wrong with your eyes like
going blind like that’s a very very
small risk but it is something that you
have to consider when you’re taking on a
surgery for me I think I lucked out so
far and I’m not experiencing very many
symptoms dry eye still can come at any
point for me but I’m not experiencing it
now I also do think that the cost is big
but I had been saving for years and like
I said in my first video I wanted to get
LASIK since I was and honestly I’m so
grateful that I did it
it’s the hassle mathroom to wear glasses
and to be able to see the world so
clearly and differently is really worth
it to me so that is my experience with
the LASIK if you have any questions or
if you want me to do another video on
this aisle please let me know in the
comments below otherwise thank you for
watching at a letter wrong we have to do
spider oh it looks like when were the
big Slater huh
- Disclosure, this is not our patient and not necessarily respresentative of all patient experiences and was shared in compliance with the CC license. Thanks Amber for sharing!