Tyrvaya(R) for the Treatment of Dry Eyes in Las Vegas

Tyrvaya(R) for the Treatment of Dry Eyes in Las Vegas

Yes, we have the latest and greatest solutions for Dry Eyes.   If you live in the desert (Las Vegas or the surrounding 100 miles) you live in the desert and you likely suffer from Dry Eyes if you are reading this.

We have novel, new and innovative treatments for Dry Eyes.  Many are covered by insurance.  Some are inexpensive but some are very expensive but very effective.

Dry Eyes is more than a nuisance.  Long term dryness can cause temporary or permanent loss of vision with scar tissue, Saltzman’s Nodules or Map Dot or Epithelial Membrane Dystrophy.

Don’t worry, we have over 30 years of experience with the treatment of Dry Eyes and are here to help.

Just call 702-362-3900!  Appointments available!